When we arrived in Dawson City, it was day 20, so I got WAY ahead of myself.
Shortly after arriving in the tight quarters at the Dawson City campground, we got set up and then at midnight drove up to the top of a nearby hill and watched as the sun set......it would rise again at 4am.......
So gorgeous up there, as the following pictures will depict.
Ain't that just a purty ole sight?
While in Dawson City we also did a walking tour through the historic town.
I tried my best to correct the turn, however all i heard was the crunch and the scratch as a gouge appeared down the side of the camper and a hole in the propane door.
To make this little snafu just a bit worse, I ran out of gas. (Fortunately I had cans of gas on board and those 5 gallons got me to a station. When I DID arrive to the campground it was with my tail dragging between my legs! I can't find the "before" pics, but the hole in the door where the white duct tape is fist sized. (Wil was being a smart butt and said he only had orange duct tape, but he came thru in the end!)
The gouge into the fiberglass on the side of the rig is roughly 12 inches long, but it looks like something that I can fix when I get back to Arizona.
So, this became my 3rd time winning the MOOSE AWARD....which, as you recall is given to the person that has goofed up, though I personally think I should have gotten the bear, which gives you a big hug after a rough day, and it was a little bit rough..........not horrible.....but rough.
I am in first place for Moose Awards, by the way!
Dawson was fun, but on day 22 we headed off for Chicken, Alaska.....which meant we had to cross the river via a ferry. The Ferry could take one big rig and a few cars per trip.
It was a pretty cool way to cut hours off of your trip from Dawson City to Chicken.
Onward we traveled....until coming to the road that Greg from Bay Bayou, tortured me about.......Taylor Highway....Top of the World .....
It sucked.
Not in the way that Greg tortured me about, but in the fact that it was smoked/fogged in! You could not see 5 ft in front of you. Ca CA!!!
Total White out.
yet, we made it.
The town of Chicken was very interesting and currently I am reading a book about a 19yo that made her way to Chicken as a teacher.
We went on a tour of 'Tisha's school and home etc.
The history here is so amazing.
The town of Chicken
Once arriving in Chicken, we all went on a tour of the local dredge.....a gold mining thing, and then we met for the infamous CHICKEN CRAZY HAT CONTEST!!!!
That was so much fun! And even though mine tied for 1st place, rightfully, it should have gone to the more creative hats on display.
You know what I'm sayin!
It was a group dinner night and some folks that live in Chicken, kindly brought us the most divine of divine blueberry pie and icecream!
From Chicken we traveled to TOK.......Highpoint here was that we were able to wash our vehicles. What a freakin mess they all were. The mud was so thick I honestly thought we would need a sandblaster and paint scraper to discover our vehicles true colors!!
Everyone helped one another, so an otherwise unpleasant task went smoothly and quickly.
A hike in the woods
Moose scat...........We had a delicious meal at Chena's Alaskan Grill, saw a Northern Lights Aurora show, and went on a Sternwheeler Riverboat Cruise..........all great fun!
We also saw a float plane demonstration, went to the Fairbanks Ice Museum, and on a Gold Dredge Tour where we panned for gold. All of us came up with at least 15$ worth of gold flakes..
Ice sculptor-er
Guess where we went from here???? I am squirming with delight.....we went to DENALI!!!! AWESOME BLOSSUM!!!!!!!
Pics to Depict!
Marie and i went on a hike and we saw the salmon spawning......
We are now in Homer, Alaska......Today it rained all day so I spent the day cleaning my camera, and then i had 3 friends over for dinner......
Tomorrow we are all going out on a boat cruise....weather report kinda sucks tonight, but being the positive thinker that I am, I totally expect to see whales, otters, puffins and a bunch of eagles......and if I don't then, I can boast that I spent an awesome day on a boat in Alaska with my friends.....
OK!!!! We went out on the boat.....The sun was shining all day long and we say tons of cool birds, sea otters and 7 humpback whales!!!!!
We are heading to Seward, Alaska in the morning..........will catch up with you soon.
Hope you are enjoying the posts!!!