Some of the gals got together and whipped together a beautiful sign to hang in the infamous
"Signpost Forest" in Dawson Creek.....not the same one as the TV show, mind you.
I helped a bit with the wood burning, which was fun and allowed me the opportunity to chat with the other ladies that I did not know well.
A bonus!
The sign encompassed the Caravan group as well as the RVing Women, with all of our names wood burned in and the whole thing was sealed to preserve its everlasting beauty for years to come. (Wonder if they can do that with my face???) I'm just sayin........
My friend Jonni and I got VERY lost in the signpost forest, and unlike any man I know, we actually stopped and asked directions!
I failed to mention earlier that the wagon masters have 2 stuffed animals that get handed out as the situation dictates.........
The Teddy Bear is handed to the person that may have had the roughest day.....and the MOOSE is handed to the person that got lost, or did some kinda sorta ditzy thing.
First let me just say that the first time I was awarded the MOOSE was all Lilly's fault. She has just been no help at all with the GPS coordinates, and SHE got us terribly lost. We did find our way eventually, but it was no thanks to her.
The SECOND time I was co-awarded the Moose was after getting lost in Sign Post Forest. I kinda think, since I cannot in clear conscience, blame it on Lilly, that it surely was Jonni's fault (my co-awardee for the afternoon......) Heaven for bid it be my fault..... :-)
Sign Post Forest
In 1942, while building the Alaska Hwy, it was common practice for the US Army of Engineers to put up a directional post at their camps. It gave directions and mileage to surrounding communities and various parts of the world. You will notice that the directional sign for Watson Lake points North with a distance of eight miles. In 1942 there was no town site here as there is today, but a Military Air Base and airport on Watson Lake.
While working on the Alcan Highway near Lower Post, BC, Private Carl K. Lindley from Company D, 341st Army of Engineers was injured and taken to the Army Aid Station in Watson Lake to recuperate. During that time Carl’s commanding officer got him to repair and repaint the directional post. While Carl was carrying out this task he decided to add his home town sign of DANVILLE, ILLINOIS. Carl was known as the homesick, lonesome soldier and he was aware of the tradition that he started and what is now known as the World Famous Signpost Forest.
72,000 signs… and counting!
The Sign Post Forest currently has over 72,000 signs… and counting!
En route to the 'Forest' we collectively saw black bear with cubs, moose with babies, bison, coyotes, deer, bunny's, a Jack Rabbit baby, and 2 least I thought they were hogs.....on closer examination, I realized they were Kawasaki's!!! (heh heh)
Ted saw a 'bear butt' this morning, but then proceeded to tell us that it was his wife Linda, backing out of the shower.
Funny guy, that Ted!!
He got in trouble for his lip flapping ways and was silenced by Linda!
Funny guy, that Ted!!
He got in trouble for his lip flapping ways and was silenced by Linda!
Last evening we camped at Liard Outdoor Hot Springs. There were 3 areas.....much like Goldilocks and the 3 was too hot, one was too cold and one was just right. In actuality one was hot, one was hotter and the other was hottest. Very relaxing after a long day.
We had a BBQ and Wil made us all a stick that you put Pillsbury muffin dough on the end in much the same way as you would 'envision' a condom being placed on a whatzamathingy.........(appetizing, hey?)
You toast that over the flames to a golden brown,( but in my case to a blackened mess......) and then put a hot dog inside the bun.
Quite clever, these wagon masters of ours.
(The stick also came in handy with Jonni and Angela in their rig. They needed a way to keep their windshield washers on without Jonni having to press the button for 5 hours, so they propped the stick on the button and to the wall.!!! A multi-purpose stick, ehh?)
Quite clever, these wagon masters of ours.
(The stick also came in handy with Jonni and Angela in their rig. They needed a way to keep their windshield washers on without Jonni having to press the button for 5 hours, so they propped the stick on the button and to the wall.!!! A multi-purpose stick, ehh?)
We also made s'moore's and hobo pies. It was so relaxing sitting in front of the fire and singing campfire songs.....................we didn't really sing campfire songs, but I know everyone kinda wanted to....... ;-)
We drove 265 miles, or for those of us in the know 427 kilometers. I am not sure how in the know I am, but I do have a nifty GPS (not nearly as Nifty as Angela's....) that converts to kilometers for me.
We are staying in Whitehorse Yukon Territory for the next 3 days. Much to do and see here...........will check back with you when I have done and seen something newsworthy!!!
Ok.....newsworthy info coming your way.
The Morning of 7-4-15 we toured the KLONDIKE.....
.The largest vessel ever to ply the Canadian portion of the Yukon River, this sternwheeler was built by the British Yukon Navigation Co. and launched at Whitehorse in 1937 to replace her namesake, which sank the year be- fore. S.S. Klondike II was designed to expedite the movement of silver-lead ore on the Yukon River. A combination freight and passenger boat, she operated primarily between Whitehorse and Dawson City. In 1954-55 the vessel was placed in cruise service after an extensive refurbishment. Her retirement in 1955 brought to an end the era of commercial steamboat navigation in the Yukon.
Last night (7.4.15) we went to the 'FRANTIC FOLLIES' entertaining little vaudeville show with groovy dancers, musicians, and joke-sters.
We enjoyed the show, but I think all of us were eager to go to bed after such a long driving day.
7-5-15.Everybody did their thing today,(this is what we call a FREE DAY.)
The FD began after an awesome staff prepared breakfast and our TRIP LOG MEETING...(a discussion of our next days road conditions etc.)
Connie, though stimulated with the information, found it hard to make it all the way thru the meeting...
My adventure today, included Marie,and Jonni ...We went to the Wildlife Preserve and took some great pics of animals that have been rescued and have been rehabilitated.
I will no doubt attempt to pass these pictures off to you as pics of the lovely animals I have seen in the wild.
Forgive me, if you can.
On the way home from the Preserve, we stopped by this awesome phenomenon. There is a plane that sits atop a support thingy, and actually turns when the wind blows.
I am enclosing a 40 sec video that you may or may not want to view. OR you can look at the pic and use your imagination ....visualizing it's movement.
Your call.
LT and Tobin went up in a plane today and photographed Chilkoot trail etc. I can't wait to see their pics, but will probably not be able to show you any..........once again, I invite you to use your imagination.
A few closing thoughts for the day.........
The weather remains very lovely. We had a few days in the eighties but now we are back to our long sleeves in the morning, and t-shirts by mid day.
Not sure if i have mentioned the buffalo and moose..........oh yes, now I remember....I did mention them.
A few pics....
I didn't get very good pics of the moose, but will post more when we are up close and personal.
The journey has been, of late, kinda muddy. Our rigs and vehicles are literally caked in mud.
Wil says we should wait until we get to TOK to wash, cause there is more mud in our immediate future............
we all cleaned off some mud so that we did not get filthy every time we got in and out of the car or pumped gas!!
One of the ladies on our trip had used the big bubble wrap and when she checked it there was a bumble bee inside of one of the bubbles. Would that make it a Bubble bee?????
Lame, right?
This pic depicts my utter glee over the upcoming TOP OF THE WORLD highway. Once again, Thank you Greg from Bay Bayou!
Some scenery.....
There is such great comraderie on this trip. Despite most of the ladies already knowing one another, they all simply go out of their way to include others in their 'holiday'.
Being one of 3 'solo's', I can't begin to tell you how wonderful that is!
Lilly is awesome company, but it is uplifting to share parts of my day with the others!
Thank you ladies.
I will, once again.....catch up with you down the road!
Ok.....newsworthy info coming your way.
The Morning of 7-4-15 we toured the KLONDIKE.....
.The largest vessel ever to ply the Canadian portion of the Yukon River, this sternwheeler was built by the British Yukon Navigation Co. and launched at Whitehorse in 1937 to replace her namesake, which sank the year be- fore. S.S. Klondike II was designed to expedite the movement of silver-lead ore on the Yukon River. A combination freight and passenger boat, she operated primarily between Whitehorse and Dawson City. In 1954-55 the vessel was placed in cruise service after an extensive refurbishment. Her retirement in 1955 brought to an end the era of commercial steamboat navigation in the Yukon.
Last night (7.4.15) we went to the 'FRANTIC FOLLIES' entertaining little vaudeville show with groovy dancers, musicians, and joke-sters.
We enjoyed the show, but I think all of us were eager to go to bed after such a long driving day.
7-5-15.Everybody did their thing today,(this is what we call a FREE DAY.)
The FD began after an awesome staff prepared breakfast and our TRIP LOG MEETING...(a discussion of our next days road conditions etc.)
Connie, though stimulated with the information, found it hard to make it all the way thru the meeting...
My adventure today, included Marie,and Jonni ...We went to the Wildlife Preserve and took some great pics of animals that have been rescued and have been rehabilitated.
I will no doubt attempt to pass these pictures off to you as pics of the lovely animals I have seen in the wild.
Forgive me, if you can.
On the way home from the Preserve, we stopped by this awesome phenomenon. There is a plane that sits atop a support thingy, and actually turns when the wind blows.
I am enclosing a 40 sec video that you may or may not want to view. OR you can look at the pic and use your imagination ....visualizing it's movement.
Your call.
LT and Tobin went up in a plane today and photographed Chilkoot trail etc. I can't wait to see their pics, but will probably not be able to show you any..........once again, I invite you to use your imagination.
A few closing thoughts for the day.........
The weather remains very lovely. We had a few days in the eighties but now we are back to our long sleeves in the morning, and t-shirts by mid day.
Not sure if i have mentioned the buffalo and moose..........oh yes, now I remember....I did mention them.
A few pics....
I didn't get very good pics of the moose, but will post more when we are up close and personal.
Wil says we should wait until we get to TOK to wash, cause there is more mud in our immediate future............
Because of the gravel that gets
churned up and thrown our way, we took some precautions.....everyone put screen in front of the radiator and bubble wrap over the headlights.
Lame, right?
This pic depicts my utter glee over the upcoming TOP OF THE WORLD highway. Once again, Thank you Greg from Bay Bayou!
Some scenery.....
There is such great comraderie on this trip. Despite most of the ladies already knowing one another, they all simply go out of their way to include others in their 'holiday'.
Being one of 3 'solo's', I can't begin to tell you how wonderful that is!
Lilly is awesome company, but it is uplifting to share parts of my day with the others!
Thank you ladies.
I will, once again.....catch up with you down the road!
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