So much have passed by much I have passed by.....' (cute!!)
I can hardly remember when we last chatted, but in the interest of not being repetitive, I will start out by saying that I love Arizona. If it were not for friends and family in is doubtful that I would return to Florida......
WHY ? You ask?
That is the main reason.. I mean it!! Bugs suck......In Arizona there are no mosquito's,
no "no see-ums".....nothing that stings or bites, or sucks........
That of course, is not taking into account.....scorpions......
In January, I found this fella, under one of my mats....I have said it before and I will repeat myself for the sake of reinforcement.......this little one to two inch fella packs the sting of roughly one hundred bee stings!!! YIKES...... of course if you are cautious , this should not be an issue for the vast majority of ARIZONIAN'S!!
Now, folks like my neighbor, JAY......he is a different sort................every dog in the park loves this man,,,,,,he loves them....pets them treats.....Lilly dances a whacky dance kinda like a quivering twittering dosie doe...........when Jay is around...............I digress.............Jay...leaves his shoes,....all of them....outside his camper....outside his camper!!!!!!!!
Think about this!!!!!!! His shoes are outside his camper!!!! in the dirt!!!!!!! Scorpions are outside (hopefully!!!) your the dirt!!!! When the scorpions want to seek shelter, let me guess an EASY spot to hang out??????????
JAY'S SHOES!!!!.......THAT'S WHERE!!!!!!!!!
Thus far, Jay is a very lucky fella, but it is just a matter of time...................
I , in a major way...digressed................
So, the last time I chatted, I was no doubt getting ready to go to the Japanese Gardens in Phoenix.....
It was so wonderful finding a place in the midst of the ginormous city that cut us down to size and allowed us to contemplate our lives, and peace...............and life.............
This is not all there is to LIFE...........peacefulness in this light is one thing......we stroll, we look, we feel.....we are at our own kind of peace...............and then..............out of the blue
We meet a man after HIS own kind of peace.............with a cod PIECE!!!
Double yikes
The Naked Bookstore Man!!!
He was quite proud of his attributes....or lack of!!!!
He had a kinda scrotal sack thing going on, cause it was cold outside...........but, had NO PROBLEM being who he was!!!! He is a pianast and plays his "instrument" IN clothing!!!
If you go to MUST go the the Naked Bookstore!!! He is a very pleasant chap.
Let's leave it at that, shall we?
We went on an adventure that I found in "Weird Arizona"....a book that has been around for a number of years.............we went searching for the Giant Baby etc, only to find out that these items were torn down after air force base was (re)located in the near vicinity and apparently it was felt that there would be a risk visiting the GIANT BABY, ......manuevers, and displaced blasting and all............ so they were torn down!!!!
We did not know this when we went searching for these iconic treasures!!!
None the is a pic of the GIANT baby from the book.....
OH NO!!!!!
I have lost access to the pics of the GIANT BABY.......(that we never found, in real life!!), but were in the book of Wierd great LOSS I suppose, but if I could locate the pics, you would clearly see, why we went in search of them!!!!
I will keep looking and perhaps will find a way to post them......fingers crossed!!!!!
FOUND THEM!!! (days later, I might add!!!.......)
These were gigantic ......30 to 40 feet plus, high!!!!
Worth the wait, hey????
I went to Tuscan to see the sites, and sites there were to see.............not as eloquent as I expected, but
'sites' none the less!!!
Let us begin with Tuscan Studios......many a wild western was filmed here...........Paul Newman, Clint Eastwood and of COURSE.......JOHN WAYNE.... were regulars at the Tuscan studios!!!!
Kartchner Caves were phenonmenal, and well worth the visit..........the caves provided a home for bats, and who knows what else..............
We also visited the Biosphere.............honestly,.... I was not that impressed, however, the premise was well intentioned...................
Biosphere 2 serves as a unique large-scale experimental apparatus housing seven model ecosystems with active research by teams of multidisciplinary scientists
Biosphere 2 was originally meant to explore the web of interactions within life systems in a structure with five areas based on biomes, and an agricultural area and human living and working space to study the interactions between humans, farming, and technology with the rest of nature. It also explored the use of closed biospheres in space colonization, and allowed the study and manipulation of a biosphere without harming Earth's. Its five biome areas were a 1,900 square meter rainforest, an 850 square meter ocean with a coral reef, a 450 square meter mangrove wetlands, a 1,300 square meter savannah grassland, a 1,400 square meter fog desert, a 2,500 square meter agricultural system, a human habitat, and a below-ground infrastructure. Heating and cooling water circulated through independent piping systems and passive solar input through the glass space frame panels covering most of the facility, and electrical power was supplied into Biosphere 2 from an onsite natural gas energy center.[3]
Biosphere 2 was only used twice for its original intended purposes as a closed-system experiment: once from 1991 to 1993, and the second time from March to September 1994. Both attempts, though heavily publicized, ran into problems including low amounts of food and oxygen, die-offs of many animal and plant species, squabbling among the resident scientists and management issues.
In June 1994, during the middle of the second experiment, Space Biosphere Ventures dissolved, and the structure was left in limbo. It was purchased in 1995 by Columbia University, who used it to run experiments until 2005. It then looked in danger of being demolished to make way for housing and retail stores, but was taken over for research by the University of Arizona in 2007; the University of Arizona assumed full ownership of the structure in 2011.
My absolute favorite part of Tuscan was Sabino Canyon....We rode a tram to the top of the canyon......I, however, lost my ticket which meant I had to walk DOWN the exceptions!!
I could have been sad about that..........but I was was awesome!!! The sights were incredible!!!!!! What a treat it is, at times, to be absent minded about the simple act of retaining tickets in your pocket!!!!!
January brought yet another exciting event................MY BIRTHDAY!!!!
My friends and I were supposedly on our way to play this is a pic of me in action!!!
Take note, please, of my perfect form..........
Anyway, as I was saying, we were riding our bikes to go play pickleball, when we took a detour to bring a tool or some such thing to a friends place............and what do you suppose these clever gals had done, but arranged a surprise birthday party!!!
A fine gift from Tammy~~all the pages were blank, if that tells you anything about my sex life. To be perfectly honest, sex just plain and simple takes to long, so of late, I just skip it. I suppose that means that I can use that book for the scrap paper it provides.
I must say, it was a mighty fine party, and the wine was flowing......
Well, when the party ended, I climbed on my bike and rode dee da, la dee da......Low and behold.........I rode right past my place!!!!
I realized my boo boo, made a sharp turn to try to make it in my drive, and wa-la!!!
My face met with the road..................YIKES
I didn't quite make it!!!!
It didn't hurt much..........then.
In fact I was laughing about my driving skills and felt grateful that I wasn't wearing a favorite smock, what with the blood and all.........
The next day was quite another story!!!
I did, what I felt, was a proper neurologic headache, dizziness, blurred vision, no fluid dripping from any orifices, I remembered it was my birthday, I knew that Nixon was, wait, that was another time in my life......sometime...........So, I went to sleep.
I fortunately, woke up in the morning, and this is what I see!!!!!
It was a miserable couple of weeks after that!!! My head throbbed, my neck hurt, and fortunately the CT SCAN was head injury.
I did crack both my front teeth, so guess what I got for Christmas?????
You guessed it!!!
I went to a dentist in Algodones, Mexico and got 2 front teeth!!!
Dan in search of Chuckwalla.... if you look to the left of him on the ledge separating the two huge rocks on a horizonal plane, you will see the chuckwalla from a distance............but, if you can't locate it, worry not........the big guy will be self evident soon enough

And Marble Canyon

What a HE-MAN!!!!
HE-MAN and the MISSUS!!!!
Check out the indian face!!!!!!
Janet and Dan
Janet and Dan
Sue and Marilyn
Wendy and Sharo
Linda, Kathy, me, Santa, colleen
Aleen and Karen
art, Dan and janet
Dan, me, colleen and Janet
Sue and Marilyn
My friends and I were supposedly on our way to play this is a pic of me in action!!!
Take note, please, of my perfect form..........
Anyway, as I was saying, we were riding our bikes to go play pickleball, when we took a detour to bring a tool or some such thing to a friends place............and what do you suppose these clever gals had done, but arranged a surprise birthday party!!!
I digress.
Well, when the party ended, I climbed on my bike and rode dee da, la dee da......Low and behold.........I rode right past my place!!!!
I realized my boo boo, made a sharp turn to try to make it in my drive, and wa-la!!!
My face met with the road..................YIKES
I didn't quite make it!!!!
It didn't hurt much..........then.
In fact I was laughing about my driving skills and felt grateful that I wasn't wearing a favorite smock, what with the blood and all.........
The next day was quite another story!!!
I did, what I felt, was a proper neurologic headache, dizziness, blurred vision, no fluid dripping from any orifices, I remembered it was my birthday, I knew that Nixon was, wait, that was another time in my life......sometime...........So, I went to sleep.
I fortunately, woke up in the morning, and this is what I see!!!!!
It was a miserable couple of weeks after that!!! My head throbbed, my neck hurt, and fortunately the CT SCAN was head injury.
I did crack both my front teeth, so guess what I got for Christmas?????
You guessed it!!!
I went to a dentist in Algodones, Mexico and got 2 front teeth!!!
Very professional, kind and similiar to work you would get done in the states!
In February I moved to Apache Junction which is about 15 miles from where I was in Mesa.
I love it here...........close to the mountains and to hiking.
My neighbors are great fun, and we play canasta on those hot afternoons when you don't want to be outside.......and you are not hiking or exploring.
They even taught Joanie to play!!
Great fun!!!
We have get togethers here and there, go hiking etc, and everyone is so very kind!!!
I took up an awesome 'hobby' while here at my new park.....Rock Shadows, by the way......
I took up Lapidary.......and I made some pretty cool jewelery in their shop.............and didn't even lose a finger on the saw, for which I was quite grateful.............The managers even commented that the 3 of us (below) picked up the 'art' very quickly!!!!
Gosh oh golly, was I ever proud of that!!!
I shall WOW you with some of my jewelery here................
The process...................
put the stone on a dop stick for ease in grinding
After all the grinding etc, it goes to the polisher, however, in my usual LAX manner, I forgot to photograph it..........suffice it to say, it is a pad that you hold the stone against after coating the polishing pad in 'polish'
Are you WOWED??????
Janet and Dan Peterson and I had an awesome adventure, ......kayaking on Canyon Lake!
We paddled a total of 6 miles.
The rental place obviously was not afraid of anyone stealing a paddle!!! THEY WEIGHED ROUGHLY 120 pounds!!!! Good GOD!!!!!
My arms were ready to just drop off, but it was a super blast, and great sites.
We also went hiking on the Hierglyphic/Petroglyph trail, and were fortunate enough to see a Chuckwalla lizard and its baby!!!....which is coming up, but please enjoy a couple of other pics first!!!!
Me, me me. (said with a musical tilt!)
see the baby in back of the big guy to the right on the out cropping? just his little head showing!
I was blessed with a visit from my buddy Joan Morrison...........She had a bit much libations at Tortilla Flats as is depicted below..........poor thing......we had to haul her out of there!
It was wonderful having her here!! Despite her being very ill during her first couple of days here, she was the perfect houseguest!
I had hand sanitizer and lysol placed strategically throughout the RV, and with careful disinfecting frequently I,fortunately avoided any of her booger germs!!
And, speaking of houseguests, my son ALI, came to see me as well!!!
We went to the grand canyon, hiking and site seeing........ it was awesome seeing him!!
A year is a long long time!!!
He claims to not like Lilly, but look at him with the Kitty!!!
Ride em, cowboy!!
........and cowgirl!
And Marble Canyon
Night Night sweet Prince!
I went on yet another adventure and had a wonderful time visiting Red Rock Canyon and Death Valley......I went to DV in search of the super bloom, but missed it by 2 weeks. It was still gorgeous and am so glad I went!!
There are a couple of quail in the park and I know that anyday now they will have offspring and I will see them all trailing behind mum and pop!!
There are also javelina and coyotes in the park, but I have yet to see these little buggers.
My friend, Marilyn has seen them, as she works the front gate at night, and says they come waltzing right into the park. So be it for these guys.....I won't give it up, though!!!! One day soon, I will come face to face with the elusive Javelina!!!
I drove over to Saquaro Lake area last week in search of the wild horses that everyone has reported seeing.........I am such a lucky gal!!!!
Was lucky enough to see the beautiful beasts!
Dr William Roberts..............whom I worked with for 23 years at Moffitt Cancer Center is coming to see me next week..........can't wait to see him and show him around!!!.........I was hoping that the desert would still be in bloom by the time he comes, but wouldn't you know it, everything bloomed kind of early this year due to climate, rain, the Gods, karma.............SOOOO, I have taken a kazillion desert bloom pics and if nothing is left in the desert, than I will show him my pics.........almost the same, right??
I am going to throw in a few random pics, just cause.
A perfect saguaro?????? NOPE! Cell phone tower!!!
defrosting the freezer snowman!!
Dr Roberts, alias, KLR, alias Kissy lips Roberts......and his lovely wife, Sineath FINALLY arrived!!
We have had a wonderful time together, and it was so great reconnecting on a social level!!!!
Canyon Lake
Tortilla Flats
Sabino Canyon
What a HE-MAN!!!!
HE-MAN and the MISSUS!!!!
Check out the indian face!!!!!!
Dinner with The Roberts, and Dr Janellie Bellie Cragun!!!
Dr Roberts and Sineath will be going to Sedona and Flagstaff tomorrow and I will stay behind so that I can start packing for my departure on Sunday!
I have met so many awesome folks while in Arizona, and I hope I remain in touch with them and we can share our adventures for years to come.
Janet and Dan
Janet and Dan
Sue and Marilyn
Wendy and Sharo
Janet, Dan and Colleen
Colleen and Tammy
Linda, Kathy, me, Santa, colleen
Aleen and Karen
art, Dan and janet
Dan, me, colleen and Janet
Tom, Tammy and George
Sue and Marilyn
Happy Trails to all until next time!!!!
Diet, caffeine free coke....boring
See you on the road!!!
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