Saturday, June 20, 2015

Getting there is half the fun!

Hello, hello, hello!
Did I mention that getting there is half of the fun????
Why, I think I did.
Despite the various faux  paux's along the way, I have had a super duper time.
I have had the most relaxing week here in Great Falls Montana.
Great Falls offers an interesting array of attractions including (but not limited to.....) Montana Power Dam and Falls, Giant Springs Fish Hatchery, CM Russell Museum and Studio, and the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center.
Many of the gals on our caravan attended the latter two, and enjoyed it very much.
I chose to way lay those attractions and  drove my ever enlargin carcass to the mountains and snapped a few pics which I shall share with you....

While traveling thru the mountains, I could not find a bathroom to save my life, so this is my makeshift toilet............
Yup, I opened both doors and sat on the running board between the two doors......
Hey, a gal has got to do what a gal has got to do!
If I had not left my WHIZ at 'home' I would have used that instead!

This is a MUST HAVE for all of you hikers out there. No more dropping your drawers in the mosquito ridden swamp lands, or freezing your 'tush' in the winter months!!!

The campground where we are 'gathering' is simple, with limited amenites, but still a lovely campground,compared to some of the places where I have rolled out my awning.......

and as of yesterday all of the 'travelers' have arrived and all of our RV's have been checked for safety by the illustrious 'TEDDY'.
 Ted and Linda...our TAILGUNNERS, working on a rig. He definitely earns his keep!

He, and his sweetheart of a wife, Linda are our TAILGUNNERS, (but for whatever reason, when speaking of them, I call them the GUNRUNNERS........not in a joking fashion, mind you, but just cause I can't get it straight.)

They have cautioned me to make a huge attempt to get it right when we go thru the borders.
I will, of course, do my best...
The Tailgunners keep us all safe. Ted can fix just about anything and does not give up on any job.....large or small.
Cindy and Wendy are both very grateful to him for getting their rig repaired in time for our departure.

Our Wagon Masters are Cyndi and Wil. Both are kind, funny, compassionate and a tiny bit crazy.

We have had happy hours nightly as a way of meeting and getting to know our traveling companions. We are a wonderful group of like minded souls on an incredible adventure! Oh  and by the way....the group I am traveling with is ADVENTURE CARAVANS.....this particular trip is with the RV'ing WOMEN group, and since they did not have enough gals, they allowed it to be open for others....hence, myself and another couple.

I have done nothing this week except read, chat, and go to thrift stores. I got a GREAT buy on a London Fog lined jacket for 2$.

Also, bought some great boots for 4$.

Lotso bargains here and I am now, all set for any kind of weather that we might encounter.
The weather here has, actually,  been interesting.
One day it is in the 60's and today, we are enjoying 80 degree temps with a nice breeze.
My direct neighbors and hang out buddies have been the couple next door to me. (Kay loved the thrift stores as well)
Kay and Bob have been very kind to me, and travel with me from place to place.......I think they are somewhat fearful that I will get lost and end up back in Nevada or something. I keep trying to tell them that I made it from Florida on my own.....but will they listen??????
Bob loves Lilly far more than he loves me. He sneaks her steak from restaurants and little (kinda chunky like her mom) Lilly now prefers that cuisine to her boring dog food.
The challenges.........I'm just sayin' !

Bob is being a little bit naughty!!!

 There are so many more pics I want to share with you, but the WIFI really stinks and it takes about 10 minutes to upload a group of 3, I will share more with my next post!!!
Hugs to all...........until next time!!!

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